How many times did this thought cross your mind that – You are caught in a wrong job?
It’s funny how we all landed up where we are. It might be an easy guess that most of us are into what we are doing because it just happened to us. I might have been working my ass up into some other stuff given I did not have an engineering to do. 99% of the time you are either following the society or you are following your fate.
It aptly means that your interest towards doing what you are doing will die a slow death or you would be mostly bored at work like me.
I wonder what stops us from taking that step towards doing something that we really like to do. I guess the word is Courage. It’s hard to be a rebel in this world where everything is prototyped, where you are molded into a religion and mostly made a follower of some creed.
If we think a little then we would know that the rules of the society are made by arriving at an optimization that works the best for maintaining balance in the society. It is probably a set of rules which were made to give everyone a possession of their own. At the advent of the society – did we have a Hindu Follower, a muslim follower, a Jew, a Christian etc with each of them depicting their own theories of start of the universe? It doesn’t work that way – these are what you are made to think like. There are three important things by which every human being is controlled by that external body we call GOD…These are – Love and Lust. All the other feelings are derivatives of these two – be it sorrow or joy or anything else.
I have always been fascinated about knowing what happens to us when we die. But you see, this is a condition that can not be experienced unless it’s attained and neither can be copied from someone else’s– I wonder what science calls this state? From childhood, we have been made to think in shapes, boundaries, limits – so whatever we see around us – our brain always tries to confine it within a marked line. It maybe very analogous to think that the human brain functions like a computer program where if you input an infinite loop, it would have far widening implications that would create an imbalance in the system. Much like the same, our human brain has certain limitations and it is just not possible to go beyond it, but that also means that the reality is far widening then what we can think. We might be a part of a bigger ecosystem that we can’t figure out. Imagine the computer program. It only knows that there is a computer which contains many other computer programs inside it and everything is contained inside a PC analogous to what we call our UNIVERSE. This write up is evolving my thought process as I write further, probably for the good of it.
So now, imagine, what can a possible computer program do to sense a world which is beyond its existence. Cloud Computing? Interesting? Yes, the computer program can get to know about parallel Universes that exist by connecting through an external media called the Internet – which again is actually a computer program of its own. It’s funny how everything is recursive in life and everything eventually boils down to the state of singularity where everything was nothing but just ONE. But what happened to our quest to come out of the computer world and dive into a new world. I think by this time you have already figured out the problem of coming out of the Computer world – If the computer program comes out of the computer world then it would loose it’s identity of being a program. So the next thing to bother here is the change of states, but don’t worry, I won’t bother you much with that for this post atleast.
I think death is that phase where the change of state happens for a human being. This is the time when you go into a different dimension and loose your existing one. There are no rules followed as the ones that are followed in the existing world – a new beginning happens.
Now you would wonder how to co-relate the start of the post to where it went and where it is right now. I guess, the purpose of change of states is not an easy concept after allJ.