Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Quirky shows and me!

Well, all of sudden, its again, raining posts. No wonder i have the headroom to think now. Tomorrow would be the start of a new week at the office and i just want to pen down some random thoughts in my head currently. Actually as a reader do not try to search the head or tail for this post as that might only lead you to the Jurassic Era(Worst Reference of the T-Rex after Jurassic Park - 3).

So what i have been upto these days, other than sitting at this lame terminal is, watching two of America's most popular Sitcoms. One is the very generic, How I Met Your Mother and the other one, The Big Bang Theory(Neither this is related to the origin of the universe nor is the name of a C-grade porn movie). I believe i am late joiner into the HIMYM club but TBB is also an equally cool show to watch(Yeah only sometimes and not always). Its kind of funny how this character by the name of Sheldon Cooper in TBB resembles to one of my best buddies for the past 8 odd years, Sauvik Biswas. There is a whole new defination to the phrase, "Pleasure in Pain" for both of these charcters. Yeah they are not the one you are thinking, they are "The Sadists" in their own rights.

Infact Sauvik is a nice guy and so is Sheldon. Both of these charcters live in their own timeline (Mr.Einstein there is one more Dimension now, a subdivision of your fourth, its called "Selfish TimeLine". More aptly as STL. Don't be curious/skeptical about the word "Selfish" as it only means living-in-your-own-world here). There are benifits of adding this attribute into your already-overwhelming-list of traits. With this quality, you would be able to enjoy even the biggest tragedy's of life. Well, guess what is the most frequent one that you would enjoy? Yeah correct, BREAK UPs. Though you might enjoy the synergy that comes with this trait but on the hindside you may become rigid and a little of Staunch. You may always want to add your PJs at the most grave moments even when you are in the middle of a Lament. Ever so much that people would slowly have metrices defined by your name (Ref : In IIT KGP they said that 1 Sauvik of PJ is deadly for any normal living human being). Slowly you would decipher that it is your cult way of getting to the nerves of people. No wonder you would love South Park and sing songs of Uncle F*cker. And as soon as you sleep (even without the knowledge that you have gone into sleep) you would find yourself sleep walking to the hall of fame.

All said and done, but with all due respect, its hard to be One Sauvik or even One Sheldon. Its worth to take inspirations from them at when the things arn't going right for you. You can just flip the funny side and say...Hey Sauvik, i just cracked a 1 MiliSauvik joke (Ref : This particular post)...and before you as a reader can decipher and laugh at it...I am SLIP walking to my bed.


Arunava Chakrabarti said...

Conversion Factor:

1 mili Sudipto = 0.89538294859 mili Sauvik

Sud1p70 said...

You missed out the K factor...Its like 1 Sudipto = K *1 mili Sauvik

Where K = 1.11684056701631988803562882461

Maverick said...

All hail the E= mc^3 guy !!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Angle ~= 0